I feel like the world is in chaos. What about you? I wonder if there’s a way to easily and quickly bring ourselves back to Center. (Notice the capital C) Is there a difference for you from center to Center? “c”enter to me is the middle of a circle... “C”enter is being balanced in my livelihood spiritually. But how do you Center yourself? There’s historically many options: the Buddhist’s chant mantras, Christianity would pray, and I am almost positive, in my own ignorance of other religions, that each and every other religion out there has its own way of helping us, as human beings, Center ourselves Spiritually.
So let’s take a step back now and look at where we are in our Lives, our Country, our Universes? Notice the capital “L”, capital “C” and capital “U”? Now please try to take a step behind what you “ think” each of those words mean, like stepping behind a waterfall where you’re safe and the water doesn’t pummel you.. Is your Life Centered? Is your Country Centered?? What about your Universe??
How do we Center our lives within the realm of living when the world is going to Hell in a handbasket?!?!?
From my own personal knowledge, and my own personal doings, this is what I can help you with.